3 Things That Attract Bees

Bees are so much an important part of the ecosystem. These bees change the environment you live in. They have pollinating abilities and so, fruits and vegetables are essential ingredients to their diets. Further, bees mostly attract toward some special things. You should know what the bees like the most. In the case of Bee Removal Services, you can remove all these things from your gardens. Knowing what attracts them is also like protecting them. 

Bee Removal
Bee Removal

What are the things bees are attracted to?

  1. Various colors

Bees see the same colors all through the gardens just like humans. They can even distinguish all colors properly. It ranges in various colors like orange, blue, violet, etc. Many experts say that they attract similar pattern colors. When you plan for Pest Treatment Coast, then have colors they don’t like much. Some of the flowers use UV colors to take them to the nectar. The nectar is only seen in ultraviolet colors. 

  1. Sugar substances

Nectar is a main part of the bee’s diet. But the male bees don’t feed on the pollen much since they have sufficient nutrients. Additionally, nectar helps keep their energy alive. Sugar is used in making nectar. Bees directly attract sugary stuff. It could be perfumes or even sodas. Bees find some fruits enticing like pineapples, watermelons, etc. 

  1. Sweat

Most bees equally attract sweat as well. These bees are very small and you can’t easily notice them. The moisture and salt in sweat are yet other essential ingredients for the bee’s diet. 

So, if they rest on your body, you brush them off instantly. If they like the taste, they will call other bees too. In the case of Bee Removal, wash and then go near the bees. Or they can bite you if they find sweat on your body. 

Plants that attract the bees

  1. Lavender

It is the first name that comes to mind when you think of the bees. The lavender flowers are so easy to care for and they grow throughout the year. Bees are very much attracted to lavender. 

  1. Rosemary

Rosemary is yet another flower you can hedge if you are thinking of feeding the bees. Further, they produce flowers for many months. They require very small amounts of water to survive. 

  1. Echinacea

These are the bright pink flowers that are great additions to any garden. You can also use these flowers for medicinal properties for so long. They provide another layer to your gardens. If you are planning to attract bees, you can grow cornflowers in your gardens. 

Bees are the pollinating insects that help the crops grow. If you are trying to grow vegetables like pumpkins, squashes, etc. bees are a great addition to their survival. Try creating a garden more bee-friendly. Bee Removal is also easy when you want to put them somewhere. 


Bees are not directly attracted to humans. They are mostly attracted to sugar and fragrances. So, create a healthy environment for them and they will come and stay in your homes. It is very important to do pest inspection before removal of these bees.

A Foolproof Guide to Pest Controls

Introduction To Pest Control

It is defined as taking actions to control pests or manage the activities and infestation of certain groups of species called pests. This is a part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Some of them are useful for maintaining ecological balance, others are very harmful. They must be eliminated by some special methods as they cause harm to your body and also damage your property, crops and other things through which you are in very difficulty.

Types Of Pests Mostly Present On Your Property

Different types of pests cause different types of damage. Some of them can be regularly seen at home and are as follows:

  • Cockroaches

They live in your property as they get food and water inside your house and also cause damage to your property. Health issues are common from their infestation.

  • Ants

They are very small insects that live in groups or colonies and are attracted by sweets and other foods and transfer some of the harmful bacteria on them. They bite humans and infect them.

  • Ticks & Fleas

They attack our home through our pets as they bite our cats and dogs and act as carriers for many diseases like cat scratch fever, plague, flea-borne spotted fever, typhus, etc. 

  • Rodents

They are attracted towards our property as they want food and shelter for their growth which they get here and rodents have very sharp teeth so they love to eat grains, seeds, fruits and many other things which they can chew. They can damage all things on your property like clothes, furniture, pipes, walls and everything. Rats and mice can cause many diseases such as Plague salmonellosis, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome and others.

  • Bed bugs

They are found in beds, clothes, and cracks in bedroom furniture. Bed bugs suck and live on human blood and cause rashes, redness and many allergic reactions and skin infections in humans.

  • Termites

Termites are very dangerous as once they attract towards your home, they can damage your whole house because they can eat all your walls, wood and floors. They are responsible for spreading diseases like asthma, respiratory diseases and other skin infections.

DIY Techniques For Getting Rid Of Pests

We discussed pests that are present at your home or office and how they affect you. Now the main point to be answered is how can you eliminate these pests from your property because it is not a game of chance? When you see pests around you then your first step is to get rid of them by using DIY methods and sometimes it is effective also. Therefore, below are some of the DIY techniques which are effective for both Residential and Commercial purposes:

  1. Use of repellent plants

Some of the plants for example are lemongrass, marigold, lavender, basil, eucalyptus, oregano, etc. are some of the plants which can be grown in houses to keep the pests away as these are insect repellers.

  1. Use of traps and baits

Different types of baits and traps are available for different types of pests and you can use them against them. As these pests are attracted towards food so you can set up traps there so that when these pests come towards the food they get trapped but for this extra care should be taken.

  1. Use of insecticides and pesticides

These are the chemicals that are available at any hardware store and you can buy from there. First after buying you should read all the instructions written on the label so that you are aware of the procedure to use those chemicals and what precautions can be taken while using them. 

You can use these methods only when you know the number of pests in your home or office but if you do not have any idea about that you should refer to some pest controllers for this process.

Why Should You Hire Pest Control Specialists?

It has a lot of benefits for you and your family. Just take a look at the benefits:

  • For Affordable Service

When you hire specialists, they will do their pest control work in a very sophisticated way, and in a very less amount as compared to DIY where you try many treatments for this as you do not know the right procedure and waste your money.

  • For Time Saving Process

You waste a lot of time in experimenting with these pests for the selection of the correct treatment process and also after that you cannot succeed. Hence, it is better and easier to hire them.

  • For Relaxation

As the pest control specialists have full knowledge and experience of their work, you can only hire them and put all the responsibility of removing pests on their shoulders and relax. So it is the biggest benefit you have.  

Hence, If you are dealing with the problem of pests, set up your mind to hire the best Pest Control Company in your town.

Book Services At Pest Control Benowa For Safe And Comfort Living

For a new start to your life free from pests, you should turn over to Pest Control Benowa as we are a big brand in this industry. Our techniques are always modern and unique which you have never seen before and so we are the most recommended among others in the town. Our products are eco-friendly and pet-friendly both so that you have no chance to think twice before getting our services. Our effective results at an affordable price make us the first choice among our clients and so with old customers, more and more new customers are also added to our list of customers daily. So, what are you waiting for? Call us on 07 2000 4287 and become our next customer today.